Weaverville Fire Department Auxiliary
Meeting October 2, 2013 5:30 p.m.
125 Bremer Street
I. Call to Order/Introductions: The meeting was called to order by Tina Scott at 5:35 p.m. Officers present: President Tina Scott, Vice President Bonnie Miller, Secretary Lisa Guglielmina, and Logistics Tania Alvord. Officers Absent: Marjie Watkins. Members present: Larry Horrocks, Elizabeth Horrocks, Ramona Lotti, Patty Doerpinghaus, Herk Emmons, Bonnie Emmons, Bob Miller, and Chief Scott Alvord.
II. Report on Events – A recorded list of events members of the auxiliary have participated in was read by Tina. A handout of member’s contact information was given all members and Officers – a few additions were made. Lisa specified that the appropriate officers and committee captains need to be contacted instead of defaulting to the Officers– discussion on Logistics Officer being the first to be contacted for events, and the Secretary first for business.
III. Action Items:
A. Forming Committees and appointing Captains of Committees: Chief Scott Alvord presented a handout of suggestions on a few committees and the duties. Other suggested committees were discussed. The committees were outlined, but not limited to the description. Although committees formed, all members will participate in all aspects. Committees are to make sure the areas are organized. The following committees were formed and captains appointed:
· Facility Support – Captain, Bonnie Miller: Landscape, cleaning, small projects. Others on committee-Tina, Lisa, and Tanya
· Logistics-Captain, Tanya Alvord: Gathers/provides details to events/projects, organizes committees. First to be contacted in order to contact proper committee Captain to organize events. Others on committee-Larry H, Bonnie E.
· Fleet Services- Captain, Herk Emmons: Inspect and maintain minor repairs on vehicles, work with EM group to ensure all EMS bags have correct inventory. Others on committee-Lisa
· Medical Committee- Captain Serena Brown: Develop plan of action for immunizations and medical testing for firefighters, assist with First Responder Class, develop basic inventory for all medical bags. Others on committee – Ramona, Lisa, and Patti
· Food Committee – Captain (not determined?): Organize purchasing, cooking, and transportation (if needed) of food to firefighters and events. This committee was not officially formed.
· Fire Support – Captain (Lisa voiced interest in Captain’s position, not determined): Clean hoses, fill SCBA bottles, clean turnouts. Discussion on combining this with Medical committee. This committee was not officially formed.
B. Spaghetti Dinner October 4th – Raffle benefit for WFD/Weaver Basin 50k Run – There was short discussion on who the dinner will benefit.
C. Muster Event – Not discussed due to time restraints.
D. Planning Future Events and Talk about the Holidays – Not discussed due to time restraints.
IV. Topics for Next Meeting- Not discussed due to time restraints.
V. Open Forum – There was mention of possibly having meetings every other week until the Auxiliary Group is organized.
VI. Next Meeting Schedule – November 6, 2013, 5:30 p.m., 125 Bremer Street
VII. Adjourn- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.